
Thursday, May 27, 2010

NEW: Villages of Veal and Prek- Py

I woke about 5:00 am in order to get ready for a journey to Veal and Prek- Py, two villages approximately 20- 30 km outside of Pursat.  It was going to be a big day because each village had a ceremony scheduled where the villagers would be instructed on how to use their bio- sand filters before being issued a water container.  For many years previous, villagers would get their drinking water out of the rivers during the dry season. But because of rapid growth of the towns nearby, the rivers can no longer be relied upon for clean drinking water. The bio- sand drinking filters are now important to these communities because they will remove harmful bacteria and viruses from the water.  During the rainy season, each dwelling is equipped with rainwater collection where water is collected from the roof into large vase- type cisterns. The bio- sand filter plays an important role here too, as it can remove debris and contaminants.  But education is essential because learning new ways of doing things often takes time, especially when there is maintenance and upkeep involved.

The road out to the villages began as a paved road and then quickly turned into compacted red dirt.  Actually, the dirt roads weren't in too bad of shape and everything from motos, to bicycles, pedestrians, cows, dogs, and chickens were sharing the road with few cars and trucks. Whatever moves the fastest has the right-of-way, the only exception being cows and livestock-- all yield to these slowest moving travelers.

The journey was a lively experience, especially since Khmer music was playing in the car.  I really like Khmer music and can't wait to bring some home with me...  a romantic music of voice and violin-- reality seems to sway and dance and life is magical....

The farther one travels into the countryside, the more beautiful it gets!  Mountains are off in the distance, there are rivers, and the scenery is lush.  There are dwellings on stilts, rich pastures and rice fields-- it is a way of life I have only read about or imagined:  simple, quiet, and beautiful.

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